Toyota Corolla 2004 Review

11 Sep, 2024
Toyota Corolla 2004 Review

Toyota Corolla 2004 is an exemplary compact car, which unites reliability, economy, and comfort characteristics for everyday use. It has undoubtedly made its mark in the automotive market as it sits as one of the most popular car models worldwide, especially under the Toyota Company. Let’s look at the Toyota Corolla  2004 to explore its performance and features. It’s a vehicle designed with the average driver in mind, someone who values dependability over flashy features, and efficiency over sheer power.

Exterior Design

While the Toyota Corolla 2004 may not offer an interesting-looking exterior as compared to other cars in its category, the Corolla however offers a neat and sleek exterior look which is favorable in enhancing the car’s aerodynamics. This facilitates a neat design that is relatively small with smooth surfaces and gentle rounded edges that make it classic as well as efficient. Because of the lines, symmetry, and the willingness and mind put into the designing process, it is a car that can look new and can be maintainable many years after it was manufactured. Certainly, the Corolla’s design is not as glamorous as a sports car, but it is practical and perfect for routine driving. Its design is not very elaborate and it has halogen headlights, as well as front and rear mudguards. The car is equipped with 24.47-inch tires and a maximum ground clearance of 160 mm. To those buyers who are concerned with the high virtual costs of the Toyota Corolla 2004, exterior body design is a very strong suit.

Interior Design

Compared to previous models, the interior of the Toyota Corolla 2004 is more comfortable, spacious and equipped with easily accessible controls. Open the door to the Toyota Corolla 2004, and you find yourself in a sedan with a well-thought-out and ergonomic interior design. According to the Toyota Corolla 2004 specification, the interior accommodates wide and comfortable seats for the rear passengers accounting for comfortable width and size. This is a front wheel drive automobile; it has digital clocks, floor consoles, floor mats, a cloth headliner, and two cup holders. There is also the option of folding the rear seats in case of a need making it even more practical. Despite the fact that the car used a traditional mechanical instrument cluster, it was said to be futuristic for the consumer cars of the time.

That is why Toyota has always focused on quality, both when it comes to choosing materials and ensuring that the car can endure day-to-day use. The Corolla also has a spacious cabin with plenty of head and legroom for the driver and other passengers for either short or long drives as it has a wheelbase of 102.4 inches and an overall length of 178.  The sedan is 66.9 inches wide and stands 57  inches tall, providing ample headroom and legroom for passengers.  Also, the vehicle comes with the transmission option of a four-speed automatic gearbox. The transmission aims at offering optimal driving and performance with great comfort.


Under the hood, the  Toyota Corolla 2004 is powered by a 1.8-liter 4-cylinder engine that embodies Toyota’s commitment to reliable and efficient performance. According to the Toyota Corolla 2004 specification, this engine produces 130 horsepower at 6,000 rpm and 125 lb-ft of torque at 4,200 rpm which optimizes performance and fuel efficiency. The enhanced engine performance plays a tremendous role in the Corolla’s ability to uphold the model’s reliability image that has been dominating the car industry for some time now, therefore making the car a reliable partner for years ahead. Although according to the Toyota Corolla 2004 performance, it is not a high-performance-oriented engine, this engine offers a great deal of strength and solidity in a car’s performance. It provides sufficient torque for urban and highway travel while keeping fuel economy in mind. The fuel tank has a capacity of 50 liters, and in city driving, it offers a mileage of 8.1 to 7.1 kilometers per liter, making it a fuel-efficient option.

In this regard, the Toyota Corolla 2004 is composed of a smooth driving experience when on the road. It has a very comfortable suspension especially when it comes to handling road humps and other uneven terrains. The Corolla is not what can be classified as a sports car, but its handling is not too shabby either; it is predictably and solidly stable and, therefore, suitable for a daily drive.

Ride Quality

Other than the above features, the Toyota Corolla 2004 is at its best when it comes to the ride quality in its class. Comfortable, it is, as this sedan takes on all the rough and uneven surface of the road with nary a complaint, all because of a sound suspension system. In accordance with Toyota Corolla 2004 reliability, no matter if it is driving through the complex city network or at the end of country route highways, the Corolla provides quite a stable, safe ride. This one is a fairly small car, and along with well-weighed steering, it’s relatively convenient to maneuver it, particularly in traffic-filled districts.

Safety Features

The safety of the car has always been a core value of Toyota hence the Toyota Corolla 2004. The safety features of the car are quite decent, with two airbags in the front and seat belts for every passenger. The braking system includes disc brakes in the front and drum brakes in the rear, although it lacks ABS. Considering both safety features and overall appearance, this car could be an ideal choice for your city rides. On the aspect of technology, it does not have modern technologies as applied in other developed countries, although it has all the comfort that is required. Some of these include power windows, air conditioning, and a CD player since these auxiliary additions were something that makes for a convenient and pleasant drive but does not demean the Corolla’s simplicity and functionality.

Toyota Corolla Pros Toyota Corolla Pros

  • Reliable and fuel-efficient
  • Comfortable ride quality
  • Spacious interior
  • Smooth driving experience

Toyota Corolla Cons Toyota Corolla Cons

  • Lack of modern safety features
  • Bland exterior Design
  • Basic standard technology

Expert's Opinion


Out of 10

Currently, the Toyota Corolla 2004 model still proves to be a great choice for those who are willing to stick with the tried and tested car trends that do not sacrifice the major virtues of any good car. It has the old-world look and feel of early ninety models but its reliability and low cost of maintenance make it the preferred choice of car for any economy driver. The success of the Corolla is explained by the fact that it is a modest car with no innovative features, yet it shows great results and remains popular years after the car’s release.

শহরের মাঝে দুর্দান্ত রাইডিং এক্সপেরিয়েন্স এবং এলিগেন্ট লুকের সংম্রিশ্রন চাইলে আপনার জন্য আছে টয়োটা করোলা ২০০৪ গাড়িটি। বাংলাদেশের বাজারে এই গাড়িটি হতে পারে আপনার জন্য একটি দারুণ ভ্যালু ফর মানি অপশন। মাইলেজ, পারফরম্যান্স এবং কমফোর্টনেস সবদিকেই মানানসই জনপ্রিয় এই গাড়িটি।  তাহলে চলুন জেনে নেয়া যাক Toyota Corolla 2004 গাড়িটি সম্পর্কে বিস্তারিত সকল কিছু। 

টয়োটা করোলা ২০০৪ গাড়িটিকে মূলত সিটি রাইডিং এর জন্যই তৈরি করা হয়েছে। গাড়িটির এক্সটেরিয়রের ডিজাইন থেকেই এই ধারণা পেয়ে যাবেন। গাড়িটির লুক বেশ সাদামাটা হলেও এর একটি বিশেষ দিক হলো, এতে আছে হ্যালোজেন হেডলাইট এবং ফ্রন্ট ও রিয়ার মাড গার্ড। টয়োটা করোল্লা ২০০৪ মডেলে আছে ২৪.৪৭ ইঞ্চের টায়ার। গাড়িটিতে আছে ১৬০ মিমি এর গ্রাউন্ড ক্লিয়ারেন্স। 

এবার আসি এর ইন্টেরিয়রে। গাড়িতে উঠলে বেশ আরামদায়ক ইন্টেরিয়রের দেখা মিলবে। এর সিটগুলো যেমনই চওড়া, তেমনই আরামদায়ক। একইভাবে পিছনের প্যাসেঞ্জার সিটগুলোও বেশ প্রশস্ত এবং আরামদায়ক। এটি একটি ফ্রন্ট হুইল ড্রাইভ কার। এর ইন্টেরিয়রে আরও আছে ডিজিটাল ঘড়ি, ফ্লোর কনসোল, ফ্লোর ম্যাট, ক্লোথ হ্যাডলাইনার এবং দুইটি কাপ হোল্ডার। এর পিছনের সিটগুলো প্রয়োজনে ফোল্ড করে রাখা সম্ভব। এর ইন্সট্রুমেন্ট প্যানেল বেশ অ্যানালগ হলেও, সেই সময়ের গাড়ি বিবেচনায় এগুলো বেশ আধুনিক ফিচার এই গাড়ির জন্য। 

পারফর্ম্যান্সের কথা বিবেচনায় এতে আছে ১.৮ লিটারের ৪ সিলিন্ডারের ইঞ্জিন। এর থেকে সর্বোচ্চ ১৩০ হর্সপাওয়ার শক্তি পাওয়া সম্ভব এবং সর্বোচ্চ ১২৫ এনএম টর্ক এটি দিতে পারে। এর স্ট্যান্ডার্ড সাসপেনশন গাড়িটিকে সিটি রাইডের জন্য বেশ উপযুক্ত হিসেবেই গড়ে তুলেছে। এটি ৪ স্পিডের অটোমেটিক গিয়ারের গাড়ি। ফলে রাইডারের পক্ষে গাড়ির গতি নিয়ন্ত্রণ করা বেশ সহজ হয়ে উঠে। এর ফুয়েল ট্যাঙ্ক ক্যাপাসিটি ৫০ লিটারের। সেই সাথে সিটি রাইডে এটি লিটারে ৮.১ থেকে ৭.১ কিলোমিটার এর মাইলেজ দিতে পারে। তাই ফুয়েল সাশ্রয়ের জন্যও এটি বেশ উপযুক্ত একটি গাড়ি।

গাড়িটির সেইফটি ফিচার বেশ চলনসই। এর সামনে রয়েছে দুইটি এয়ারব্যাগ। আর আছে প্রত্যেক যাত্রীর জন্য সিটবেল্ট। ব্রেকিং সিস্টেম হিসেবে এতে ব্যবহার হয়েছে সামনে ডিস্ক ব্রেক এবং পিছনে ড্রাম ব্রেক। আর এতে কোন এবিএস এর ব্যবহার নেই। সেইফটি ফিচারের পাশাপাশি এর লুক বিবেচনা করলে, গাড়িটি আপনার সিটি রাইডের জন্য বেশ উপযুক্ত হতে পারে।

Toyota Corolla Grades

Toyota Corolla

G Grade

  • Power windows
  • Power mirrors
  • Central locking
  • Air conditioning
  • AM/FM radio with CD player
  • Fabric seats

Toyota Corolla

LX Grade

  • Power door locks
  • Remote keyless entry
  • Power steering
  • Cruise control
  • 15-inch alloy wheels
  • Rear spoiler
  • Fog lights

Toyota Corolla

XLi Grade

  • Automatic transmission
  • Power-retractable side mirrors
  • Optitron instrument cluster
  • Chrome grille
  • Chrome door handles

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the engine capacity of the Toyota Corolla 2004?

The Toyota Corolla 2004 is equipped with a 1.8-liter 4-cylinder engine.

Does the Toyota Corolla 2004 have ABS?

No, the Toyota Corolla 2004 does not come with ABS.

What is the fuel efficiency of the Toyota Corolla 2004?

The Toyota Corolla 2004 offers a mileage of 8.1 to 7.1 kilometers per liter in city driving.

What is the fuel tank capacity of the Toyota Corolla 2004?

The fuel tank capacity of the Toyota Corolla 2004 is 50 liters.

How many gears does the Toyota Corolla 2004 have?

The Toyota Corolla 2004 comes with a 4-speed automatic transmission.

Toyota Corolla 2004 Specifications

Launch Year2004
Origin CountryJapan
Body Type
Riding Capacity5 Seater
Model CodeDBA-NZE121
Overall Length4410 mm
Overall Width1695 mm
Overall Height1470 mm
Wheelbase2600 mm
Tread Front1490 mm
Tread Rear1470 mm
Interior Length1925 mm
Interior Width1430 mm
Interior Height1230 mm
Weight1050 kg
Engine Model1NZ-FE
Maximum Power110 ps
Maximum Power81 kw
Maximum Power6000 rpm
Max. Torque KGM14 kgm
Max. Torque Nm141 Nm
Max. Torque RPM4400 rpm
Engine Capacity1496 cc
Compression Ratio10.5
Fuel Tank Capacity50 L
Min. Turning Radius4.9
Tires Size Front175/70R14 84S
Tires Size Rear175
Driving WheelFF
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